State Office of Victim Assistance (SOVA)

SOVA is a part of the South Carolina Governor's Office which provides compensation to eligible victims of crime. There are certain medical and funeral benefits that victims may be eligible to receive. Victim Services at the Detention Center will help victims complete the application process. Please call our office at (843) 915-6915 for any questions concerning the application process and/or to schedule an appointment to receive help completing the application. The SOVA application may be completed online by the victim. Click on SOVA to navigate to their website to complete the online application and print it. Contact Victim Services to schedule an appointment with a Victim Advocate to review the application and to get copies of legal documents that SOVA requires.

The South Carolina Governor's Office has a crime victims' ombudsman. The mission of the Office of the Crime Victims' Ombudsman is to be an impartial third party who attempts to ensure that all crime victims are served justly, equitably, and fairly by South Carolina's criminal justice organizations. If a victim has questions or concerns about their rights, please contact their office or click on their hyperlink under Quick Links.