Administration Hero

Business License

Responsible for processing Business License applications, renewals, and appeals for businesses located or operating within the unincorporated areas of Horry County. These business licenses are regulated by the applicable state codes and county ordinances and serve to raise revenue through a privilege tax.
If you have any questions, please contact us via email at or by phone at (843) 915-5620.

If you are establishing a business for the first time in a commercial building or tenant space, then the Planning and Zoning Department will need to approve a Zoning Compliance. If the occupancy use classification is deemed to be different from the previous function of the space, then the Code Enforcement department will also have to get involved. At that point, in order to commit this change of use to our official records, they’ll need to verify the space for the life safety standards of the occupancy use intended. Please visit Code Enforcement’s website and select “Change of Use (Commercial)” from the dropdown for instructions how to apply for a “Change of Use” building permit.

Business License

(843) 915-6220
211 Beaty Street
Conway, SC 29526
P.O. Box 1275
Conway, SC 29528