Traffic Education Program

Who is eligible for the TEP?

  • Valid driver’s license (CDL holders are not eligible)
  • No significant history of traffic violations
  • Ticket must be a point violation
  • Violation must be four (4) points or less
  • No prior participation in TEP

How does the participant enter the TEP?

  • A participant may be referred to the TEP by the Summary Court Judge or Municipal Court Judge.
  • Prior to the scheduled court date, Summary Court and Municipal Court cases may be eligible to enter the TEP as a self-referral.

If you are interested in applying to the Traffic Education Program, please contact the office at (843) 915-5693 for more information.

What is needed to apply?

  • Program fees in the amount of $280.00 in the form of two (2) separate money orders $140 each or payment may be made online by debit/credit card.
  • Driver’s license
  • Social Security Card
  • Copy of ticket

What is required while in the program?

  • Complete four (4) hours of community service
  • Attend a four (4) hour defensive driving course

How long is the program?

Participants will eligible to successfully complete the TEP upon completion of both requirements typically within thirty (30) days from the time of application.


Successful Completion

  • Upon completion, all applicable agencies are notified to dismiss the charge(s) (Magistrate Court, Municipal Court, Police Department)
  • Participants have the right to request expungement of the dismissed ticket at an additional cost of $250.00. Expungement is not a requirement.

Unsuccessful Completion

Should a participant unsuccessfully complete the program, the TEP file is closed and the court is notified.

Out of Area Participation

The participant will be provided with assistance in locating resources in their area to successfully complete the program requirements.