Juvenile Diversion Program

The Juvenile Diversion Program targets juveniles that have been charged with a criminal offense. The program was designed to divert the juvenile from the court system and place them in services. It allows the juvenile the opportunity to take responsibility for their actions and clear their record. The juvenile meets with the case manager no less than once per month to address problems and goals for an average of three (3) to six (6) months. The length of the program depends on the progress of the juvenile. 

How does the participant enter the Juvenile Diversion Program?

A participant may be referred to the Juvenile Diversion Program by the Family Court Solicitor. 

What is needed to apply?

  • Photo ID
  • Social Security Card

What are the requirements of JDP? When applicable:

  • Church attendance
  • Restitution
  • Referrals to outside agencies: Alcohol/ Drug education/counseling, Mental Health counseling, Social Services etc.
  • Letters of apology
  • Written reports
  • Community service
  • Drug test screenings 
  • Life skills education


What happens when I successfully complete JDP?

Upon successful completion, the charges are dismissed. The Solicitor, DJJ, Police Department, Attorney, and victim are notified of juvenile’s successful completion.

What happens if I fail to complete JDP successfully?

Should the juvenile fail to complete program requirements the case will be referred back to the Family Court Solicitor for prosecution.

Out of Area Participants

The participant must maintain contact with the JDP office by phone, mail, fax, and/or email. The case manager will assist the participant in locating resources in their area to successfully complete the program requirements.