
Choosing this career path can prove to be one of the most interesting and personally satisfying choices you can make. Being a first responder is not just another job, it is a life-changing, challenging, rewarding career choice for men and women who are interested in public safety.

Are you interested in career or volunteer work with Horry County Fire Rescue, first check Horry County's employment page to see if we're hiring for career personnel, but if we're not currently accepting applications, fill out the HCFR Interest Form and we'll contact you when we are.

Minimum requirements:

  • You must be at least 18 years old.
  • Stay in school. You need a high school diploma or GED.
  • Watch your driving. You need a valid driver’s license.
  • Stay out of the trouble. HCFR wants a clean criminal record. Automatic disqualifiers include admission and/or conviction of a felony offense or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude.
  • Say no to illegal drugs. Automatic disqualifiers include illegal drug use within 12 months and/or a pattern of illegal drug use.
  • Be healthy. Firefighter/EMS personnel must meet specific medical requirements to prove they have the agility and strength to do prolonged and arduous work under adverse conditions.

Horry County Fire Rescue is a diverse, vibrant and progressive department that includes 41 stations and more than 700 personnel who come from various backgrounds.

New ideas, technology, equipment and training are driving the department to constantly improve the high level of service we provide to ensure the safety and well-being of the citizens and visitors of Horry County.

Horry County Fire Rescue is committed to finding a diverse group of men and women who are ready, willing and able to respond to the needs of the community. We are looking for people who are driven, motivated and dedicated to public service.

If you’re looking for a demanding, rewarding and exciting career that will provide you with significant personal satisfaction through helping others, please fill out an application on the Horry County Career Opportunities page (https://www.horrycountysc.gov/employment). HCFR only accepts applications online when the job advertisement is posted.

To apply as a volunteer, please visit our Volunteer Recruitment Page

Once your application is received, you will be contacted by email to proceed through the testing process


The testing process will consist of the following portions:

  • 110-question, general knowledge written exam. Candidates must obtain a 70% to advance.
  • Candidates passing the written exam will then advance to the Job-Related Agility Test (JRAT).
  • A panel interview will be scheduled after completion of the written exam and JRAT.
  • Human Resources will submit an applicant’s information to a third party evaluator to conduct the criminal background check.
  • Selected candidates will then complete a pre-employment medical physical and drug screen. HCFR follows the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1582 medical guidelines.
  • Upon the completion of this process, an eligibility list will be forwarded to the Fire Chief for final selection.