Community Development Block Grants
The CDBG entitlement program provides grants through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) on an annual basis to qualifying entitled urban counties in order to develop projects and programs that promote decent affordable housing and a suitable living environment, and by expanding economic opportunities, principally for low and moderate-income persons. Through a partnership with the City of Myrtle Beach and the City of Conway, Horry County became an entitlement community in the 2008 program year. Horry County established its Community Development office and began funding projects and programs to meet the needs of the entitlement as identified in its Consolidated Plan, a HUD-required document identifying local community needs and establishing five (5) year goals for the implementation and expenditure of HUD funding in the areas of community development and affordable housing.
Supplementing the Consolidated Plan are the County’s Annual Action Plans, which are prepared each program year. The Annual Action Plan outlines, in detail, activities planned for a specific program year and identifies HUD and other funding sources that will be utilized to complete them. All activities funded through CDBG must meet one of HUD's CDBG national objectives: primarily benefit low and moderate-income persons, prevent or eliminate slum or blight, and urgent need.
CDBG funds can be used for a variety of projects, including public infrastructure, public facilities, public services, and owner-occupied housing rehabilitation. Infrastructure improvement projects consist of water, sewer, drainage, road, and sidewalks improvements, as well as pedestrian safety measures, and must be located in eligible low to moderate income areas. Public facility projects include rehabilitation of facilities that are publically-owned, or that are owned by a non-profit organization and are open to the public. Public services include direct assistance that primarily benefits low to moderate income persons and addresses areas of need such as employment, crime prevention, child care, health, drug abuse, education, fair housing counseling, energy conservation, homebuyer down payment assistance, and recreation. Owner-occupied housing rehabilitation addresses the need for decent, safe, and sanitary housing by providing repairs for qualifying low to moderate owner-occupied households located in unincorporated Horry County.One of the important parts of the Consolidated Plan is the Annual Action Plan, which is prepared each budget year. It outlines in detail the activities to be completed and the funding sources for them. The activities are planned to help achieve HUD's CDBG national objectives as well as Horry County's long-term goals as identified in the Consolidated Plan and approved by County Council. Each year, citizen input and participation in helping to identify the types of future CDBG projects to be funded is requested.