Family Disaster Plan for Flooding


  • Whether you are evacuating for a flood or a tropical system know where you will evacuate to and the best way to get there.
  • Also make sure you have a safe designated meeting place should you and your family get separated.
  • Make sure to have an emergency kit that is easily accessible and able to be taken with you.
  • Identify any special needs/disabilities an individual has and plan accordingly ahead of time.
  • Remember to plan for all family members including your pets.
  • Teach family members how and when to turn off gas, electricity and water.
  • Ensure every member of the household knows the plan. Practice your plan regularly.

During. What to remember in a mandatory evacuation.

  • Unplug electrical equipment, such as radios and televisions, and small appliances, such as toasters and microwaves.
  • Turn off gas, electricity, and water to the house.
  • Tune‐in to local commercial radio or television stations or NOAA weather radio frequencies. The purchase of a Weather Alert Radio for your home and place of employment can help you stay informed of changing conditions.
  • Keep the fuel tank as full as possible. In an evacuation, gas may not be readily available.
  • Have enough cash for a few days because ATM’s may not work during power outages and stores might not be able to take debit and credit cards. Be sure to have plenty of small bills, as it may be difficult to get change.
  • Fill prescriptions that might be needed and stock up on any necessary medical supplies.
  • Turn Around, Don’t Drown! Never attempt to drive through flooded roadways. Floodwaters can conceal damage underneath, and as little as two feet of running water can carry away most vehicles including SUV’s.
  • Avoid low‐lying areas. Seek shelter in the highest areas possible.

Additional information can be obtained by contacting the Horry County Emergency Management office at 843-915-5150