Special Events

Special Event permits are coordinated and regulated by the Horry County Police Department. Several other departments assist and provide guidance on applications. If additional information is needed, please visit the Special Events Permit webpage.

Special Events - Public Safety Billing

After the Police Department reviews the application, a determination will be developed that will consider the needs for safety of the event participants and spectators, and the surrounding community members. A police department representative will contact and coordinate with event organizers to ensure safety for all involved, which can include having police officers assigned to the event. If police officers are assigned to the event, the costs associated with the event are charged to the event organizers. Payment for these services are required twenty-one (21) days prior to the event start, which allows the police department to manage and coordinate manpower resources.

If you or your event has been required to have police officers, the organizer must complete the Special Event Billing form, link below. This form provides necessary information for the department billing and administrative staff to efficiently process the request in a timely manner.

The rate for an officer is $45 per hour, per officer. For example, if your event requires 2 officers, for 3 hours, the cost would be $270 ($45 x 3hrs = 135 x 2 officers = $270). The police department does not guarantee weather, and this is a factor that must be assumed by the event organizer in the planning and risk liability process.