In May 2022, Firefighter/Paramedic Forbes (then Firefighter/Paramedic Harrell) was on the way back to her Horry County Fire Rescue fire station when she rolled up on a crash that had just occurred.
A bystander informed her the driver of one of the vehicles was experiencing a critical medical emergency and was unresponsive.
The patient was not breathing, and all the doors were locked.
Firefighter/Paramedic Forbes broke the passenger-side window, getting access to the patient the hard way, finding him in cardiac arrest, confirming he was not breathing and did not have a pulse.
CPR was immediately initiated as information was relayed to our #PublicSafetyPartners at @HorryCounty911, who quickly routed additional help to the scene. Life-saving measures were taken as the patient was loaded and transported to the hospital. Upon arrival, the patient regained his pulse, HCFR crews hopeful he would make a recovery.
Months later, the patient called to make sure Firefighter/Paramedic Forbes and responding crews knew he was alive and well.
For the last three Christmas holidays, Andy Apple has stopped by the fire station to visit Firefighter/Paramedic Forbes to say thanks!
There's really no better gift for a first responder than to know the difference they make, sometimes saving lives like Mr. Apple's.
Join us in thanking Firefighter/Paramedic Forbes for doing her job so darn well, and making sure Mr. Apple has the opportunity of many more Christmas holidays with his family!
Here's Firefighter/Paramedic Forbes with Mr. Apple and his wife Patty during their most recent Christmas time visit.
We love to see it!