GENERAL SUMMARY The Horry County Museum is a general history museum that focuses on the history, prehistory and natural history of Horry County, South Carolina. The Museum cares for a collection of artifacts and archival material and uses them in exhibits that tell stories of Horry’s past. The Museum also hosts family days, tours, and special programs. The L.W. Paul Living History Farm is a living history museum that focuses on the life of farm families in Horry County in the first half of the twentieth century with specific attention given to the 1930s and 1940s. This is done through demonstrations and interpretation of agriculture, domestic skills, and trades. The Farm hosts event days, monthly demonstrations, tours, and programs. The L.W. Paul Living History Farm Domestic Interpreter reports to the Museum Director and ensures fulfillment of the daily domestic interpretive programs at the Farm including children’s specialty programs, seasonal events, monthly events and adult education programs. The Domestic interpreter maintains proper daily care of gardens, farm yard, and house interior spaces. They train and monitor domestic skills of staff and volunteers. They plan daily historic foodways and other domestic activities. They are cross trained for basic program competency in Farm Agricultural interpretation.