Boards & Commissions
The Horry County Legislative Delegation has appointing authority for the following boards and commissions per multiple state laws:
- SC Foster Care Review Boards 15-B & 15-C (SC Code Section 63-11-710)
- Ability Beyond Barriers (SC Code Section 44-20-375)
- Horry County First Steps (SC Code Section 59-152-60)
- SC Forestry Commission for Horry County (SC Code Section 48-33-50)
- Grand Strand Water and Sewer Authority Board (SC Code Section 6-11-610)
- Horry County Higher Education Commission (Bill 4029 - Section 1 of Act #114 of 1959)
- Horry-Georgetown Commission on Technical Education (SC Code Section 59-53-810)
- Murrells Inlet-Garden City Fire District Board (SC Code Section 4-23-20)
- 1% Rural Fire District Board (SC Code Section 23-9-330)
- Horry County Social Services (SC Code Section 43-3-10)
- Horry County Transportation Committee (SC Code Section 12-28-2740)
- HC Veteran’s Affairs Officer (SC Code Section 25-11-40)
- Horry County Voter Registration and Elections Board (Act # 815 of 2014 to amend SC Code Section 7-5-10)
- Waccamaw Center for Mental Health (SC Code Section 44-15-60)
- Waccamaw Regional Council of Governments (SC Code Section 6-7-130)
- Waccamaw Regional Transportation Authority (aka Coast RTA) (SC Code Section 58-25-40)
- SC Saltwater Recreational Fisheries Advisor Board (SC Code Section 50-5-1950)
SC Foster Care Review Boards 15-B & 15-C
5 members, four-year terms
Duties: The Foster Care Review Board is a federally mandated review system which allows SC and its 42 local review boards statewide to draw down federal funds for its Foster Care Program. Local review boards meet monthly to review the cases of the children in foster care in order to make a recommendation for the best permanent plan for each child and to monitor system deficiencies. Each child’s case is reviewed every 6 months. Local review board recommendations are sent to Family Court, the Department of Social Services, and the local GAL (Guardian ad Litem) program. Information & data is presented to the Governor and the legislature through the annual report.
Qualifications: Applicants must have an interest in child welfare and a desire to work to improve the foster care system. They must reside permanently in Horry County. The boards review children from Horry County. Requires a full day meeting once a month. Meetings are usually held at the Horry County Department of Social Services office, 1951 Industrial Park in Conway. Prior to becoming a voting member, the applicant must complete a 1-day orientation training in Columbia. Members are not required to attend meetings, except for orientation training, outside of Horry County. A SLED check and a check of the Central Registration of Abuse and Neglect are completed prior to official appointment by the Governor. Anyone with an active foster care license or who is currently serving as a volunteer Guardian ad Litem is not eligible for appointment per the FCRB policy.
Compensation: Local review board members can claim $35.00/per day in per diem, up to $7.00 for lunch, and mileage (per federal rate) to and from reviews. Members submit claims monthly, they’re processed by Foster Care Review Board Department Administrator, who issues checks to members. However, most local review board members do not claim per diem as they consider themselves true volunteers. Members may submit claims monthly.
Contact Information: Business Manager for the FCRB – Joy Manning - (803) 734-0217
Ability Beyond Barriers
Duties: The Board of Directors for the Ability Beyond Barriers is comprised of a cross section of residents in Horry County. Board Members provide linkages to the stakeholders (i.e. other community organizations reliant on its support, citizens, & businesses of Horry County). In addition, the board of directors is responsible for monthly meetings for setting policies for the entire organization, assuring the performance of the agency director meets expectations and supporting the mission and fundraising efforts of the organization with time, talent, and money.
Qualifications: Applicants must have an interest in the purpose, mission, and fundraising objectives of the board. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age, they must reside permanently in Horry County and should have business/financial knowledge and/or understanding of how non-profit organizations work. The board meets on the 3rd Monday of each month at the Administration Building located at 250 Victory Lane in Conway.
Compensation: Board members are not paid for attending meetings or other functions of the organization. This position is voluntary. Board members are only compensated for their mileage to and from meetings or other functions.
Contact Information: Human Resources Director for DSN - George Ulrich - (843) 349-7225
Horry County First Steps
Duties: The local partnership board must be comprised of individuals with resources, skills, knowledge, and interest in improving the readiness of young children for school. Members of the board ensure that the organization has the leadership, resources, and structure required to effectively execute its mission, by approving policy, strategy, and budget. In addition, the board of directors is responsible for assuring the performance of the Executive Director meets expectations.
Qualifications: Applicants must have a passion for our mission of ensuring that children start school ready to learn. He or she must also possess one of the following: a willingness to advocate for the organization and for young children in our community, a strong understanding of board governance and procedure, and/or expertise and experience in financial management and fundraising. They must reside in the 15th judicial circuit. The board meets on the 1st Tuesday of every other month at 5:30pm.
Compensation: Board members are not paid for attending meetings or other functions of the organization. This position is voluntary.
Statement of Economic Interest: No statement of economic interest is required by the Governor’s office.
Contact Information: Executive Director - Amy Breault – (843) 421-7231 - Website:
SC Forestry Commission
5 members, five-year terms
Duties: Each county Forestry Boards are legally constituted Boards to serve in and advisory capacity to the S.C. Forestry Commission in all matters relative to the general forestry program in South Carolina per the “South Carolina Forest Fire Protection Act.” The mission of the S.C. Forestry Commission is to protect, promote, enhance, and nurture the forest lands of South Carolina in a manner consistent with achieving the greatest good for its citizens. The Commission’s responsibilities extend to all forest lands, both rural and urban, and to all associated forest values and amenities including, but not limited to, timber, wildlife, water quality, air quality, soil protection, recreation, and aesthetics.
Qualifications: Applicants should have experience or knowledge of forestry and own either forestland, operate forestry business and/or are foresters. They must reside permanently in Horry County. The board may be called at any time for a meeting when the need arises for such action.
Compensation: Board members are not paid for attending meetings or other functions of the organization. This position is voluntary.
Contact Information: Horry County Unit Forester - Ron Holt - (843) 382-8761
Grand Strand Water and Sewer Authority Board
9 members, six-year terms
Duties: The Grand Strand Water and Sewer Authority Board shall be fully empowered to acquire, construct, operate, maintain, improve, and extend facilities which would enable it to obtain fresh water in large volume, and to distribute and sell such water, subject to limitations, and construct sewage collection and treatment facilities for and provide sewer service to person, firms, corporations, municipal corporations, political divisions, and the United States Government, or any agency therefore at any point within its service area.
Qualifications: Applicants should have experience or knowledge with the water and sewer industry. They must reside permanently in Horry County. The board meets monthly.
Compensation: Board members receive mileage reimbursement (per federal rate) and a $50.00 per Diem for meetings they attend, except for the chairman, who receives $60.00. Board members do not receive any type of reimbursement for meetings unattended. Board members receive mileage reimbursement (per federal rate). Board members do have the option of receiving health insurance benefits as well.
Contact Information: Chief of Administration – Chrystal Skipper – (843) 443-8221
Horry County Higher Education Commission
16 members, four-year terms
Duties: Members should promote and provide higher education for Horry County students which may include, but is not limited to, scholarships for students, staff development, help with renovation, construction, or maintenance of appropriate facilities, and funding for equipment purchases.
Qualifications: They must reside permanently in Horry County. The board meets on the third Thursday in the months when the need arises for such action.
Compensation: Board members are not paid for attending meetings or other functions of the organization. This position is voluntary
Contact Information: Asst. to Chairman - Bruce Dawson - (843) 349-2283,
Horry-Georgetown Commission on Technical Education
9 members: 6 members from Horry County & 3 from Georgetown County, three-year terms
Duties: The Horry-Georgetown Technical College Area Commission is committed to advancing higher education at and through Horry-Georgetown Technical College. It is the goal, each day, to provide the policy guidelines and broad-based vision that promote and ensures the success of the College, under the direction of its President, and accomplished by the efforts of our team of professional faculty, staff and administrators.
Qualifications: They must reside permanently in Horry County.
Compensation: Board members receive mileage reimbursement (per federal rate) for meetings and any other event they attend pertaining to the college, such as graduation, pinning’s, etc.
Contact Information: Coordinator for the President’s Office: Cathy Myers - (843) 349-7589
Murrells Inlet-Garden City Fire District Board
6 members: 3 members from Horry County & 3 from Georgetown County, four-year terms
Duties: Murrells Inlet-Garden City Fire District Board responsibilities include buying firefighting equipment and where it’ll be kept, hiring, training, and supervising of fulltime & volunteer personnel, maintenance for all firefighting truck and equipment and locations.
Qualifications: They must reside permanently in Horry County and have the best interest of the fire district in mind. The board meets on the fourth Monday of each month at headquarters located at 3641 Hwy 17 Business in Murrells Inlet.
Compensation: Board members are not paid for attending meetings or other functions of the organization. This position is voluntary.
Statement of Economic Interest: The Board Chairman and Board Treasurer are required to file.
Contact Information: Administrative Assistant - Barbara Taylor - (843) 361-5143
1% Rural Fire District Board
5 members, four-year terms
Duties: The responsibility of the board is to ensure that all expenditures requested and approved by 51% of the entire fire department are approved for one percent expenditures and are consistent with state statues.
Qualifications: They must reside permanently in Horry County and have the best interest of the fire district in mind. The board meets once per year.
Compensation: Board members are not paid for attending meetings or other functions of the organization. This position is voluntary.
Contact Information: Horry County Treasurer - Angie Jones - (843) 915-5470
Horry County Social Services
5 members, three-year terms
Duties: The responsibility of the board is to support the local agency and staff.
Qualifications: They must reside permanently in Horry County and have the best interest of the department in mind. Meetings are usually held at the Horry County Department of Social Services office, 1951 Industrial Park in Conway.
Compensation: Board members receive mileage reimbursement (per federal rate) for meetings they attend.
Contact Information: Social Services Director - Richard Culbertson - (843) 366-1584
Horry County Transportation Committee
13 members, four-year terms
Duties: In accordance with Section 12-28-2740(A) of the SC Code of Laws, C funds are derived from the determined cents per gallon of gas of the state user fee to be allocated to the counties in SC. The County Transportation Committee has broad authority and responsibility of approval of the expenditures of C funds in a fair and equitable manner in the incorporated and unincorporated areas of the county.
Qualifications: They must reside permanently in Horry County and have the best interest of the county in mind. Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm in the Old Historical Courthouse in Conference Room 121 at 1201 3rd Ave in Conway.
Compensation: Board members receive a $100.00 per Diem for meetings they attend. Board members do not receive any type of reimbursement for meetings unattended.
Contact Information: CTC Chairman – George R. Vereen - (843) 249-1312
Horry County Veteran’s Affairs Office
1 members, four-year term
Duties: Veteran’s Affairs Officer is to assist veterans/dependents for: applying or reopening claims for available federal benefits, appealing denied claims, obtain necessary inpatient and outpatient care from VA Medical Center & Community Based Outreach Clinics, applying or reopening claims for available state benefits, military retirees and their dependents or survivors in obtaining benefits, members and dependents of the National Guard and Reserve Components in obtaining benefits and assistance, serve as administrator for Tax Exemption process for 100% Total and Permanently Disabled Veterans in Horry County. Serves as the county’s liaison to veteran service organizations in the county and performs county-requested duties, and much more.
Qualifications: Must reside permanently in Horry County. Should be a veteran. A non-veteran can be appointed only if a qualified veteran cannot be found. Must possess a Bachelor’s degree at a minimum. If applicant does not hold a four year degree, they must have 10 years of work experience that matches the job description.
Contact Information: Will Grimsley – (803) 734-0200
Horry County Board of Voter Registration and Elections
9 members, four-year terms
Duties: The Horry County Board of Voter Registration and Elections are governed by general state laws pertaining to elections & is responsible for conducting the registration of the electors who shall apply to become registered voters. The mission is to ensure every eligible citizen has the opportunity to register to vote, participate in fair and impartial elections, and have the assurance that their votes will count. The board governs the Horry County Voter Registration office.
Qualifications: Applicants must have an interest in the purpose and mission of the Horry County Board of Voter Registration and Elections. They must reside permanently in Horry County. Prior to becoming a voting member, the applicant must complete 9 mandatory classes with the State Election Commission (SEC) within 18 months of being appointed. These classes are held in Columbia at scheduled times by the SEC, and paid for by the County office. Board Meetings are before each election.
Compensation: Board members are reimbursed mileage for Election Day & travel for state classes, and also receive a state stipend.
Statement of Economic Interest: Each member is required to file a yearly statement of economic interest is required by the Governor’s office.
Contact Information: Voter Registration & Elections Director - Sandra Martin - (843) 915-8526
Waccamaw Center for Mental Health
10 members, four-year terms
Duties: The Board of Directors for the Waccamaw Center for Mental Health recruit and promote financial support for the center from local provider sources, such as businesses and private foundations. They advise the center director on the on adoption and implementation of center policies to further effective community relations. They develop and implement agreements with health, social service, educational and judicial agencies. Review and evaluate center services, the annual center plan and budget, and report all findings and make recommendations to SC Dept. of Mental Health, and continue to be an administrative agency for the center.
Qualifications: Applicants must be strong advocates for mental health and they must reside permanently in Horry County.
Compensation: Board members receive a $35.00 per Diem for meetings they attend, and mileage reimbursement (per federal rate) for meetings they attend. Board members do not receive any type of reimbursement for meetings unattended.
Contact Information: Executive Services Coordinator – Joy Hodge - (843) 234-8106
Waccamaw Regional Council of Governments
25 members, 12 from Horry County
Duties: Board members are responsible for studying and making recommendations on matters affecting the public health, safety, general welfare, education, recreation, pollution control, utilities, planning, development, and other such matters as the common interest of the participating governments may dictate. They assist in preparing studies and making recommendations on such matters, as appropriate, and provide continuing technical assistance and information to the member local governments and other agencies and individuals. They have the power to carry on such planning activities and the development of such studies and programs as it deems to be in the interest of the area. They coordinate and promote cooperative programs and action with and among its members and other governmental and nongovernmental entities, including those of other states. They coordinate with the appropriate state, local, and federal agencies, and they are able to adopt such plans and programs as it may from time to time prepare, and such plans and programs are adopted shall constitute the recommendations of the members. They also acquire and dispose of real and personal property necessary to the conduct of its business.
Qualifications: They must reside permanently in Horry County and 51% of the board is to be comprised of officials who represent local governing bodies.
Compensation: Board members receive a $90.00 mileage stipend for meetings they attend. Board members do not receive any type of reimbursement for meetings unattended.
Contact Information: Executive Director – Sarah Smith - (843) 436-6135
Waccamaw Regional Transportation Authority aka Coast RTA
3 members, four-year term
Duties: Board members are to attend monthly board of director and committee meetings consistently, cognizant of public transportation needs for residents of Horry and/or Georgetown counties, oversee the overall performance of the authority, give approval for all major decisions that require a vote per the bylaws; (i.e. grant applications, solicitation of fund from FTA, Horry County, SCDOT, and Community, etc..); Evaluate the performance of the CEO/General Manager of the Authority; and other duties as requested.
Qualifications: Applicants must possess a keen interest in Public Transportation and the impact it has for residents; having a working knowledge of financial statements (financial background a bonus); having a history of volunteerism/community involvement; have a flexible schedule to attend monthly meetings in person or virtually.
Compensation: Board members are only compensated for their business related expenses.
Contact Information: Brian Piascik – (843) 488-0865
SC Saltwater Recreational Fisheries Advisor Board
Duties: Board members are to assist in prioritizing the expenditures of monies received in the special account. These funds are derived from the sale of SC Saltwater Recreational Fishing licenses, which are deposited into the Marine Resources Fund.
Qualifications: They must have interest in Recreational Fisheries and reside permanently in Horry County.
Compensation: Board members are not paid for attending meetings or other functions of the organization. This position is voluntary. Board Members are eligible to purchase a specialty board/commission vehicle license tag denoting their membership on the Saltwater Recreational Fisheries Advisor Committee.
Contact Information: SC DNR Deputy Director – Emily Cope – (803) 734-3937
Boards & Commissions Application
The Horry County Legislative Delegation has appointing authority for boards and commissions per multiple state laws. Postings for each year will be available every February and August via the Horry County Public Information Office.
To Apply for:
- SC Foster Care Review Board Application: PDF
To Apply for all other boards/commission:
- Horry County Boards & Commissions Application WWW
Once a constituent has applied, please allow 72 hours for the Delegation office to get back in touch for further instructions. Please note, applicants only need to apply once a year, and if further information is needed, the Delegation Office will be in touch. The Delegation meets at the call of the Chair, normally once in the fall and once in the spring, and can be at various sites throughout the county and in Columbia as well. The Delegation office will contact constituent’s once a meeting has been scheduled and an applicant’s application is on the meeting agenda. Please contact the Delegation Office for questions.
Horry County Transportation Committee
The Delegation appointed Horry County Transportation Committee (CTC) also known as the C-Fund Committee, approves funding to improve existing municipal, state, and county-maintained roadways in Horry County.
Constituents may request assistance for road projects by filling out the Horry County Transportation Committee Road Form Application and instructions and emailing or mailing it back to the Delegation Office.
The CTC traditionally meets in Conway on the second Tuesday of every month, expect for July and December, but it is recommended to contact the Delegation Office to confirm dates, times, and locations as these may be changed. Meetings are open to the public; however, the meetings are limited in time, and not all requests will be on the agenda. Approved agenda items will be permitted five (5) minutes to present, which includes question and answer time. The Delegation office will contact those whom have submitted road requests that are approved for the agenda.
These are the projects funded by the Horry County Transportation Committee in 2024.
CTC 2024 C Fund Horry County Projects
Horry County Transportation Committee
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1236, Conway, SC 29528
Office: 1201 3rd Ave., Conway, SC 29528
(843) 915-5130, Fax: (843) 915-6130
George R. Vereen - Chairman
Felix Pitts - Vice Chairman
Gladys Allen- Secretary/Treasure